Park to Playa – Ballona Creek Connection
The Project will complete Segment 7 of the Park to Playa Trail. This Segment will link the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook State Park and Culver City Gateway with the Ballona Creek by improving the existing trail, constructing a new ADA trail and installing wayfinding signage.
The project will construct:
- An ADA Accessible/Pedestrian Passageway – Construct ADA accessible dirt trails along proposed and existing portions of the Park to Playa trail (Sections 7.1, 7.2a, and 7.3. See Project Map.).
- Remove natural barriers (“Natural Barriers” includes e.g., rocks, ruts, tree roots, etc.), but not fabricated barriers (“Fabricated Barriers” includes e.g., concrete wall, fences, etc.), and grade existing dirt to create smooth and even surface
- Specifically, the City will not remove the following Fabricated Barriers:
- CCLL outfield fence
- CCLL Scoreboard
- PD/FD Obstacle Course Climbing Wall
- Chain link fence that marks the boundaries of the Little League Fields
- Perimeter/property line chain link fence at the bottom of the Radio Tower slope
- Construct needed improvements to better integrate the “Boardwalk” as the mid-section of the trail.
- A Bicycle Path – the installation of shared lane markings (sharrows) that create a bicycle thoroughfare from the top of Culver City Park, to Duquense Avenue via Upper Duquense Ave extension on the southern boundary of the Park, section 7.2b. This will connect to the bike lanes on the extension of Duquesne into Culver City Park that were recently installed; and,
- The Final Trail Connection to Ballona Creek – joining the Passageway and the Bike Path at the Duquesne entrance to Culver City Park, where both then extend North* to the Duquesne entrance to the Ballona Creek Bike Path, with pedestrians accessing the Creek entrance via an existing crosswalk and bicyclists benefitting from a new, dedicated left turn lane, allowing safe and easy access to the Creek from the northbound lanes (section 7.4). As per the Wayfinding Plan guidelines, the appropriate wayfinding signs, regulatory signs, warning signs and object markers will be prevalent throughout Segment 7.[*Note: Changes to the signal and striping at the intersection of Duquesne Avenue and Jefferson Boulevard are being done as part of a separate project which is funded by a Highway Safety Improvement Project grant that the City received.]
Project Status: Active
Completion Date: Summer 2018
Project Partners: City of Culver City and Baldwin Hills Conservancy
Total Project Cost: $541,572
BHC Prop 84 Grant Amount: $379,808